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There is no official text book for this course; however, various articles and resources will be used.





            Paper and writing utensils

            3-ring binder

            A positive attitude




            The first semester of this year-long course emphasizes life skills and employability skills.  Students must have skills and knowledge necessary to be good citizens, effective parents, productive workers, and, most of all, life-long learners.  Topics covered include: career exploration, employment acquisition process, workplace knowledge, and skills that are designed to promote successful transition from school to work.  This is also preparation for the second semester’s Senior Experience Project.


            The Senior Experience Project is a graduation requirement. The purpose of the project is to allow the student to demonstrate the knowledge and maturity that he/she has gained during the course of his/her education.  The project must be a “learning stretch,” meaning that it must go beyond what one already knows or has experienced. The Senior Experience Project is a four-part process involving the Research Paper, the Project/Portfolio (approved by parents and administration), the Portfolio (a running representation of yearly progress and compilation of the experience), and an Open House and Judged Presentation.


            The research paper topic should relate as closely as possible to the product/project.  The project/product should be a real-world accomplishment that can make an impact upon the student by providing a stretch in abilities in order that the student can experience something new and that through research, guidance, organization and perseverance success can be realized.  Students will be given specific instruction, guidelines, and deadlines for each stage of the Senior Experience Project.




Respect yourself and others: their space, their property, and their opinions.

Respect the educational process:  be prepared, be on task, and participate appropriately.

Cell phones are to be placed in the pouches at the back of the room.

Backpacks are to be lined up against the back wall.

Be on time and start work immediately.

All school policies and rules printed in the Viborg-Hurley High School Handbook will be enforced in the classroom.


*** See the student handbook concerning absences, makeup work, cell phones, Friday school, etc.




Evaluation is an ongoing process throughout each nine week period.  Each assignment will be given a point value which will vary according to the level of difficulty and importance.  At the end of each grading period all points are averaged to determine a final grade.  Students will be graded on daily assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and class participation.


Participation directly affects how much a student will learn and includes the following:  oral participation (discussion), behavior, and preparation. Students need to do more than just show up for class and respond when called on.  A raised hand can raise a grade.  Paying attention, asking questions to clarify understanding, and meeting deadlines all contribute to the participation grade. 


Opportunities for extra credit are given ONLY when offered to the class as a whole.  There will be NO extra credit offered to an individual student.  Students need to take advantage of bonus opportunities when offered.




I volunteered to teach this class, certainly not because I thought it would be easy, but because I feel I have many experiences that shared with you can help facilitate your transition into life as an adult.  I have made many mistakes in seventy-four years and have had many successes.  I hope to share some of that experience with you.  I have wanted to be a teacher since second grade and never wavered from that childhood dream.  I retired once – for three years – but realized I missed the opportunity to be with young people, to encourage, to question, and to support them in their journey.  I look forward to my year with you. I trust that we both will find it a rewarding experience.

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