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Spanish I and II


Spanish I provides a general introduction to the language and culture of the Spanish-speaking world.  The course will concentrate on the acquisition of basic vocabulary and skills that will enable the student to engage in simple conversation and written communication.  The student will use basic vocabulary and grammatical skills.  Listening comprehension, written communication and speaking are emphasized. Culture study is also an important part of the course work.

Spanish II is designed to review material presented in Spanish I and increase proficiency in the four basic language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing.  It presents a more complex grammar structure and expands awareness of Hispanic culture. 
Evaluation is an ongoing process throughout each nine week period.  Each assignment will be given a point value which will vary according to the level of difficulty and importance.  At the end of each grading period all points are averaged to determine a final grade.  Students will be graded on daily work, quizzes, tests, speaking ability, projects, and class participation.
Participation directly affects how much Spanish a student will learn and includes the following: oral participation in class, behavior, and preparation.  Students need to do more than just show up for class and answer questions when called on.  A raised hand can raise the grade.  Paying attention, asking questions to clarify understanding, keeping up with work, and doing one’s best to use Spanish, all contribute to the participation grade. 

There will be frequent quizzes, as well as chapter tests. Each chapter test will include listening comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing. There will be a final cumulative exam each semester which counts 15% of the student’s final semester grade.
Opportunities for extra points are given only when offered to the class as a whole.  There will be no extra credit offered to an individual student.  Students should take advantage of bonus opportunities when offered.
Homework is not busywork.  Homework is additional practice in preparation for the next day’s assignment, discussion, quiz, or test.  Every student has homework every night. If there is not a specific homework assignment, each student should spend a minimum of thirty (30) minutes reviewing vocabulary, including verb conjugations.
Gum is prohibited in this class.  After three general warnings any student who is in class chewing gum will be given a thirty (30) minute detention.


The basic classroom expectations:
Respect yourself.
Respect others, their space, their property, and their opinions.
Respect the educational process.  (Be prepared, be on task, participate appropriately)

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